
History Of Diamonds

History Of Diamonds

Diamonds have been the symbol of Love and Luxury for centuries. From the crowns of royal families to engagement rings and jewelry of modern times, the history of diamonds has traveled a long way over a span of 2500+ years. Born from the crushing pressure deep within the Earth, they are known as symbols of brilliance, love, and enduring strength. Still, have you ever wondered about the origin of diamonds and their complete journey before they became part of modern time jewelry? Let’s dive into the history of diamonds and learn about their brilliance journey.

History Of Diamonds – Complete Periodic Journey

From India to different countries and continents, the history of diamonds has come a long way. Let’s understand the complete journey of diamonds by splitting them into different time slabs with diamond prominence in different regions of the world at particular times.

1. Ancient Origins (Pre-6th Century)

The history of the diamond finds its roots in ancient India, with evidence of diamond usage predating the 6th century. Early diamonds were discovered in riverbeds, where their exceptional hardness made them valuable for practical applications such as engraving tools and religious artifacts. Ancient Indians held diamonds in high regard, recognizing their rarity and unique properties. The allure of these precious gems in ancient times was not merely based on their aesthetic appeal but also their symbolic and functional significance.

2. Indian Diamond Trade (6th Century Onwards)

From the 6th century onwards, India emerged as the epicenter of the diamond trade. The Golconda mines, nestled in the southern part of the country, became renowned for producing some of the world’s most famous diamonds, including the Koh-i-Noor and the Hope Diamond. Diamonds were not only symbols of immense wealth but also featured prominently in religious and cultural contexts. The craftsmanship of Indian diamond cutters and the significance of diamonds history in India laid the foundation for their global allure.

3. Diamonds In The Middle Ages (5th – 15th Century)

The Middle Ages, spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, witnessed the ascent of the History of the Diamond in Europe, particularly among the aristocracy and clergy. Diamonds were admired not only for their intrinsic beauty but also for the perceived mystical properties they were believed to possess. The scarcity of diamonds during this medieval period heightened their allure, solidifying their association with nobility and elite status. Diamonds became coveted possessions, representing both wealth and an otherworldly mystique.

Also Explore: Where Are Diamonds Found?

4. Diamonds In Brazil (18th Century)

The 18th century marked a pivotal shift in the diamond trade when diamonds were discovered, with the revelation of significant deposits in Brazil. This newfound abundance challenged India’s historical dominance and positioned Brazil as a major player in the global diamond industry. The diamond rush in Brazil influenced trade patterns and economic landscapes, redirecting attention to South America as a crucial hub for diamond production. The 18th-century diamond boom in Brazil reshaped the dynamics of the diamond market.

5. South African Diamond Rush (1867 – 1871)

The late 19th century witnessed a momentous event with the origin of diamonds in South Africa. In 1867, diamonds were found along the Orange River, leading to the Kimberley Diamond Rush in 1871. This marked the initiation of large-scale diamond mining in the region. South Africa’s diamond deposits became a focal point in the global diamond trade, significantly impacting the industry’s trajectory during this period of exploration and expansion.

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6. De Beers Consolidation (1888 Onwards)

Founded by Cecil Rhodes in 1888, De Beers Consolidated Mines played a pivotal role in consolidating control over diamond production and distribution. This dominance extended into the early 20th century, with De Beers effectively influencing the global diamond market and trade practices. De Beers implemented strategic marketing initiatives, shaping the perception of diamonds as symbols of everlasting love and commitment. The late 19th and early 20th centuries were characterized by the ascendancy of De Beers, leaving an indelible mark on the history of diamonds.

7. Russian Diamond Discoveries (1950s)

The mid-20th century witnessed a significant shift in the global diamond history landscape with the discovery of substantial deposits in Siberia, Russia. In the 1950s, mines such as Mir and Udachnaya emerged as significant contributors to the world’s diamond supply. Russia’s entry into the diamond market had profound implications, diversifying the sources of diamonds and impacting the global supply chain during this post-war era of reconstruction and economic expansion.

8. Diamonds In Modern Culture (Mid-20th Century)

The mid-20th century marked a transformative phase in the history of diamonds. De Beers’ iconic marketing campaigns, initiated in the 1940s and 1950s, introduced the phrase “A Diamond is Forever,” influencing societal norms and solidifying the tradition of using diamonds in engagement rings. This period witnessed the commodification of diamonds as symbols of enduring love, creating a lasting cultural impact that continues to shape the diamond market today. The mid-20th century was a turning point, aligning diamonds with emotional and romantic significance.

9. Conflict Diamonds And The Kimberley Process (2003)

In response to concerns about the trade of conflict diamonds, which funded armed conflicts in certain regions, the international community established the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme in 2003. This initiative aimed to ensure the ethical sourcing of diamonds and prevent the trade of diamonds associated with violence and human rights abuses. The establishment of the Kimberley Process marked a pivotal moment in the diamonds history, reflecting a commitment to responsible and sustainable practices in the early 21st century.

10. Technological Advancements And Lab-Grown Diamonds (21st Century)

The history of the diamond industry in the 21st century has been marked by rapid technological advancements, shaping its trajectory and influencing the way diamonds are produced. Cutting-edge technologies have revolutionized diamond cutting and shaping, allowing for more precise and intricate designs. Moreover, the emergence of lab-grown diamonds as a sustainable and ethical alternative to mined diamonds has reshaped the industry landscape. The 21st-century diamond market reflects a balance between tradition and innovation, with consumers having more choices and the industry adapting to meet ethical and environmental considerations. This era is defined by a dynamic and evolving diamond market that embraces technological progress and ethical responsibility.

Diamond History At A Glance

Under intense heat and pressure, carbon, the essential element for the creation and origin of diamonds, undergoes a transformative process.

Period: 800 BC – 1330 AD

800 BC The initial documented instances of diamond mining can be traced back to India.
100 The writings of the ancient Roman scholar, Pliny the Elder, provide evidence supporting the existence of diamonds.
1215 Pope Innocent III announces a designated “interim” period to occur between a formal engagement and the actual marriage.
1330 AD With the establishment of fresh trade routes, Venice, Italy becomes the birthplace of the inaugural diamond-cutting industry.

Period: 1477-1600

1477 Archduke Maximillian of Austria presents Mary of Burgundy with a diamond engagement ring.
1499 Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese sailor, provides better access to India for European diamond traders.
1550 Belgium becomes a hub for the cutting and trading of diamonds due to its strategic position.
1600 Diamond rings and other fine jewelry use prongs or claw settings to hold diamonds in place.

Period: 1729

Diamonds are first found in South America, specifically in Brazil.

Period: 1866-1919

1866 A 21.25-carat diamond is found in South Africa’s Orange River by Erasmus Jacobs.
1870 Large-scale diamond mining starts when the Kimberly Mine is found in South Africa.
1902 The Asscher cut diamond was first introduced by renowned diamond cutter Joseph Asscher.
1919 A thesis by Marcel Tolkowsky on the dimensions needed to produce the perfect round brilliant-cut diamond has been published.

Period: 1931-1988

1931 The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is founded by Robert M. Shipley.
1947 DeBeers introduces the term “A Diamond Is Forever,” launching a new “era” in the history of the diamond industry.
1950’s The GIA introduces the Four Cs, or worldwide diamond grading method.
1980 In the US, the princess-cut diamond is first introduced and rapidly becomes well-liked.
1988 The Canadian Ekati mine is where large-scale diamond mining in North America got its start.

Diamonds Evolved As A Symbol Of Love

The mythology surrounding natural diamonds expanded over time. The remarkable strength and distinct physical characteristics of diamonds quickly associated them with power and safeguarding, leading to their predominant use among royalty who believed in the gem’s ability to provide invincibility. The term ‘diamond’ originates from the Greeks, who called the stone ‘Adamas,’ signifying its unbreakable or unalterable nature. Another concept tied to invincibility was love, marking the inception of our connection with the history of diamonds as symbols of love and affection. Even the Romans held the belief that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamonds, attributing them to the essence of falling in love.

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What Was The First Diamond Engagement Ring?

The first documented diamond engagement ring is believed to have been given in 1477 by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. It was a gold ring set with a flat, polished diamond.

While earlier rings with gemstones existed, including those with diamonds, this particular ring is significant because it marked the beginning of a trend in diamond history, as symbols of everlasting love and commitment in Europe. The Archduke’s gesture was widely imitated by other members of the nobility, and eventually, the tradition trickled down to the middle class.

It’s important to note that some historians argue that earlier instances of diamond engagement rings might have existed, but haven’t been as well documented. However, the 1477 ring remains the most widely accepted example of the first diamond engagement ring.


From 800 BC to the 21st century, diamonds have traveled a long way to make their place in our precious jewelry pieces. While India is said to have been the origin country of these adorable gemstones, the history of diamonds moves toward Brazil, and South Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries. With time, diamonds emerged as a symbol of love and an important part of engagement and diamond jewelry. Today, diamonds are adored as precious stones used for various purposes like trading, currency exchange, and jewelry making.


1. Who Found The First Diamond?

The first recorded discovery of diamonds is not attributed to a specific individual, as diamonds were likely discovered in riverbeds and alluvial deposits in India over 2,000 years ago. The exact person or group who found the first diamond is not known due to the lack of detailed historical records from that time.

2. Can you tell the origin of a diamond?

The origin of diamonds lies deep within the Earth’s mantle, where carbon atoms undergo extreme pressure and temperature conditions, causing them to crystallize into diamonds. These diamonds are then brought closer to the Earth’s surface through volcanic eruptions. The process of diamond formation takes millions to billions of years and occurs in regions with specific geological conditions.

3. When were diamonds discovered?

Diamonds were discovered over 2,000 years ago in India. The exact date of this discovery is not well-documented, but historical evidence suggests that diamonds were found in India as early as the 4th century BC.

4. Which country mined diamond first?

The first country where diamonds were mined on a larger scale is India. The Golconda region in India was renowned for its diamond mines, and it produced some of the world’s most famous diamonds. However, in the 19th century, significant diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa, leading to a major shift in the global diamond market. South Africa became a significant player in diamond mining, and its diamond mines continue to be important sources of diamonds today.

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